Public Safety Facility

PD Station

Welcome! The City of St. Helens is embarking on a major project to build a modern police station. This project: 

  • Improves the safety of our community
  • Protects our officers who keep you safe
  • Meets the growing needs of our community
  • Is the cheapest way to build a modern facility designed to keep you safe

A new police station is the accountable way to take on crime in St. Helens. This facility will significantly enhance our police force’s ability to keep you safe by:

  • Eliminating overcrowding
  • Better securing the facility
  • Adding safety features that deter active shooters
  • Creating an ADA accessible building so that all citizens have equal access to public safety services
  • Establishing a building that’s able to grow and meet the rapidly increasing safety needs of our community as the St. Helens community continues to grow
  • Improving evidence storage
  • Providing training space
  • Adding real interview rooms to protect the privacy of crime victims and conduct suspect interrogations
  • Safely securing taxpayer funded police vehicles, equipment, and firearms

This facility is an investment in our community’s future.

It is past time to step up and protect the health and safety of those that put their lives on the line to protect us.

Please see our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page and use the link below to submit your questions and comments.